Desk calendars

Calendarul de birou cu pozele tale are dimensiunea de 10cm inaltime, 21 cm latime si este din carton de 160 g, de cea mai buna calitate.

Desk calendars

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Calendar de Birou Perpetuu din Lemn

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Price lei50.00

Calendar de Birou Perpetuu din Lemn, productie proprie. Dimensiuni: 26.5 x 13 x 4 cm. Un mare avantaj al acestui calendar este ca se poate personaliza prin imprimare UV pe toata suprafata, cu orice grafica, fotografie sau text, respectiv se mai poate grava pe suprafetele libere, la cerere putem modifica si forma calendarului. Este disponibil in 3 limbi: romana, engleza si maghiara, dar pot fi modificate pentru orice limba doriti.

Desk Calendar with Your Photo "Gold"

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Price lei50.00

Desk calendar with your photo "Gold"

GOLD desk calendar in Romanian with your photos or photos of your loved ones, all you need to do is upload in your order 13 personal photos, one for each month and one for the cover. You can purchase it for yourself, or for your family, friends, even colleagues. Whoever receives it, and regardless of the event, you won't make a mistake with such a gift.

Desk Calendar with Your Photo "Blue"

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Price lei50.00

"Blue" desk calendar with your photo - a simple, but modern calendar that will be personalized with your own photos, 12 for the months of the year and one for the cover. Ideal for any office, for yourself or as a gift. All you need to do is upload your chosen photos in your order.

Desk Calendar with Your Photo "Silence"

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Price lei50.00

"Silence" desk calendar with your photos - a size A5 desk calendar, personalized with 13 photos chosen by you, for the 12 months and one more for the cover; the photos need to be uploaded in your order, and we'll take care of the rest!

Desk Calendar with Your Photo "Seasons"

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Price lei40.00

Desk calendar with your photo "Seasons" - Whoever receives it, no matter the occasion, you surely won't make a mistake with this gift: a calendar personalized by you with 13 photos, one for each month and one for the cover. An ideal gift for your loved ones, for your family, friends, even colleagues.