The Vlam table lamp is made of metal and glass, two elements that will offer you warm, romantic nights, by burning a small flame inside. It can be used both inside the house and out in the garden.
500 ml, double-walled thermos, made of stainless steel, available in black, red, cobalt blue, green and silver. It can be personalized with any requested text through engraving, at extra cost.
Servieta pentru sampanie Flute, paharele din sticla apartin setului, NU contine Sampania. Paharele de sampanie pot fi personalizate cu orice text scurt dorit de dumneavoastra prin gravura, contra cost.
Wallet made of synthetic leather, with several compartments. Available in black. This wallet can be personalized with any requested text, by engraving.
Folio travel kit, containing the following: Orby white fountain pen, a connecting device for your laptop, with 4 card reader slots and 3 USB ports; the set also includes a mouse with cable and a 1GB USB stick. All these are packaged in a very elegant white case.
Ceas Jumbo cu disc detasabil. Discul poate fi inlocuit cu unul personalizat cu orice poza sau text dorit, acestea se pot atasa comenzii. Trebuie stiut ca partea unde este "6" NU se poate imprima, aceasta ramane alba. Personalizarea se face prin imprimare digitala si costa 10,00 lei.